Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saturday morning, we went to Lowe's for the Build and Grow Clinic, where the boys made fire trucks. Both football and hockey practice were cancelled due to rain, so we ran errands instead. We spent the rest of the day just hanging out around the house. That night we had a family game night that lasted for over four hours. It was fun but exhausting.

D had hockey practice Sunday afternoon and when we got home, the boys finished their table runners.

On Monday, I took the boys ice skating with one of the local homeschool groups. That evening, the boys had football practice and then B had his first roller hockey game of the season. His team won 11-2.

Today, we had our first 4-H meeting. Only two other kids came, but we also had a couple who are interested but couldn't make it to the meeting. The boys did a presentation telling what they did in 4-H last year. Afterwards, we took a walk around a nearby pond.

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